Today has not gone according to my master plan.

Today has not gone according to my master plan.
Which is kind of hilarious, actually, to imagine that I had a master plan to begin with.
I awoke at 7 am to discover the power was out in my house, for, like, the 5th time this winter. And it was 27 degrees F outside.
I built a fire in my giant fireplace which looks great but doesn’t tend to emit heat, mainly, I guess, to console myself.
My dog and I jumped in the car in search of coffee only to discover that the main road out of our neighborhood was blocked by a giant fire engine, probably addressing the power situation.
I went home, despondent that my first world needs could not be met on my specific timeline.
I finally finished reading Michelle Obama’s book, Becoming. I have this habit of beginning books, reading 2/3rds of them, then forgetting to finish.
The ending was just as good as the beginning and middle.
I continued to add layers to my ensemble. Wool socks, then eventually a hat.
I brought in more firewood from the porch. The giant fireplace burns enormous quantities of wood.
I got frustrated at myself at not being more productive while trying to keep warm in my 50-degree house.
Ten minutes before my first client coaching call at 1 pm, I discovered that my computer had stopped working, my phone battery was almost dead, the poet Mary Oliver had died, and it was snowing, which meant that I couldn’t go for the hike I had scheduled this afternoon with a friend.
I surrendered.
I chose gratitude.
I gave up on trying to accomplish anything today and remembered that because I had no power my only entertainment this morning was the sunrise, which was glorious, and reminded me of the connection to all of life.
I gave thanks for not having to be anywhere today.
I gave thanks for the life I have created for myself.
I thought about all the ways that Mary Oliver’s writing has impacted me and so many others over the years, how she has been a constant in my journey to live a fully-expressed life.
I started out the window at the giant snowflakes, giving thanks for their beauty.
I gave thanks to the fire for at least looking warm.
Two minutes after my complete and total surrender and gratitude practice the power came back on, leaving me enough time to make coffee and plug in my devices before my client call.
Moments after I completely surrender - to whatever it is that I am attached to, the energy shifts and movement happens.
What do you need to surrender to right now?
#growyourempire #manifestingforreals #getlit
P.S. Surrendering takes practice, discipline, and support. Ready to take your capacity to surrender and manifest to the next level?
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