Manifestation has been a huge part of my life for the past 25 years. 


It has brought me millions of dollars, the love, and my dream house...

as well as multiple successful businesses...

...and the opportunity to work with so many people, like you, to create new results seemingly out of thin air...


This is why manifestation matters: 

Because without it you’ll work too hard, love too little, and never be the creator of your own reality.


For a limited time, you have the opportunity to work with me privately for 30 days, or watch my Advanced Masterclass training, to manifest your next big desire.


During this Masterclass, you'll learn my step-by-step manifestation method, as well as Advanced manifesting techniques. 

You will learn how to:

  • Raise your vibration to magnetically attract new opportunities
  • Utilize faith to create bigger results, without more action
  • Create expectations to call in results more quickly
  • Timeline jump to align to new results
  • Receive money in new and different ways 

Masterclass Participants had this to say about their experience of this 2.5 jampacked training:

"Love working with you, and the rock solid guidance you provide." 

"This training was SO powerful!"

"This was amazing...thank you so much!"

Uplevel Your Vibe
(Value $2,000)

Discover how to uplevel your vibration to create new results in 5 easy steps. Learn the five simple but critical steps to align and manifest your desires consistently and on demand - AND how to use them to create the next big cash infusion in your life or business (or both!).


The Value of the Advanced Masterclass and Bonus is $5,000.

Your Investment is ONLY:




You'll Receive 30 Days of Unprecedented Access to Emma,

60-Minute Private Intensive 

To be utilized as soon as you enroll in the program, this intensive session will focus on identifying and removing your manifestation blocks.. We'll review  how your soul is designed to operate and take action, and clear any energetic misalignments within you impacting your growth. We'll also create a plan for activating your desired result. This session will be recorded for you in mp3 format.

30-Minute 1:1 Sessions x 2

Halfway through our 30 days, and at the end of the intensive, we’ll meet privately for 30 minutes to review your progress to date, and identify precisely what action you should take next to maximize your results. These sessions will be recorded for you in mp3 format.

Complete Voxer Support

Sometimes you need answers and feedback immediately. You have a burning question, an inspired idea, an unexpected situation, or something that you want my psychic input on. Complete access is perfect for all of that! You have access to me, Monday through Thursday, throughout your intensive, in order to receive the on demand support you need and deserve between your Intensive and your Assessment Sessions.

Advanced Masterclass

You'll have full access to the Advanced Masterclass recording, as well as the bonus Uplevel Your Vibration course.

During this Masterclass, you'll learn my step-by-step manifestation method, as well as Advanced manifesting techniques

You'll Receive 30 Days of Private Access to Me,

  • A 60-Minute Intensive to identify and remove your manifestation blocks, and activate your soul design for new results.
  • Two 30-minute Sessions - focused on ensuring you are only taking aligned action to maximize your results
  • Support via Voice Messaging to shift things throughout our time together
  • Advanced Group Masterclass recording
  • Energetic Clearing and Activation to shift whatever is in your way - to make it so easy, so clear, and so aligned for you to have the success you want (BONUS)
  • Uplevel Your Vibration: a course to learn how to shift your vibration to manifest new results in 5 easy steps (BONUS)
  • A personalized Akashic Records/Client Attraction Blueprint 40+ page report that showcase your soul design and how to apply it to create wealth and impact (BONUS)


Client Attraction Blueprint + Course (Value $3,000)

A 40-50 page report personally created for you, based on your Akashic Records, that showcases exactly how you are designed to create wealth and new results from soul design. This includes a BONUS 8-module course with short videos and worksheets that teaches you how to utilize your report to align your business with your soul design.

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Energetic Activation
(Value $3,000)

This program begins with a comprehensive energetic activation, during your first session, to ensure you, and your manifestation goal are aligned energetically to accelerate.

This activation allows the Universe to experience you as vibrationally congruent. Vibrational congruence is an often misunderstood underlying component of any success. Without this congruence, it takes much more energy and effort to get results.

The Value of the Intensive is over $20,000.

You receive a 75% Savings:

Your investment is only $5,555 pay in full or 2 monthly payments of $3,000.

For over 25 years I've helped thousands of people just like you call in exactly what they desire, over and over again.Emma-VIP-Email-Pic1

With two masters degrees, as a PhD candidate in Conscious Business Ethics, and as a business owner myself for 25+ years, I've got an intimate understanding of how to blend the metaphysical and practical to achieve astounding life and business growth

I've manifested millions of dollars, my dream husband, our dream home...the list goes on.

My psychic skills, and my experience understanding your unique capacity for manifestation, give you the secret sauce you've been missing.

Emma New Signature

Frequently Asked Questions

How will you access my Akashic Records during the Private Intensive?

When you enroll you will be asked to provide your (1) Full Name at Birth, (2) Full Current Name, (3) Date of Birth, and (4) Birth Location. Emma utilizes this information to access your personal Akashic Records and your soul design.

What are the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records are an energetic database that contains an imprint of every thought, feeling, action and experience for every soul that has ever occurred in time and space. The database is also referred to as "The Book of Life" or Universal Consciousness. The records contain all knowledge of human experience and the cosmos. The Akasha field exists in the fifth dimension and is all around us. The Records have been referenced in all religions and spiritual traditions and are described as a metaphysical library. You have an Akashic Record, and your business has one as well! 


“I’ve studied with some of the best Akashic Records teachers and have worked with the Akashic Records for over 15 years and I have never had information about my soul presented in this way before: it is so illuminating!”

  ~Rhonda Hohmann, Teacher and Mentor


More questions? Email and we’ll get them answered!

Earnings Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent these programs and their potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation.

All Rights Reserved © 2023 Emma M Churchman, LLC