The Abundance by Soul D.E.S.I.G.N. Method is a proprietary process created by Emma Churchman. The six step method ensures that each aspect of your business (including YOU!) is aligned to your unique soul design and your financial goals.
When you have an income or impact goal...when you're in the midst of reinvention, or a pivot, or massive growth... there are 6 Key Areas of your business to assess and diagnose to determine if your vision is achievable.
Each area must be aligned to both your unique soul design and your financial goal in order for your business to get consistent new results.
Diagnosing the root cause of your business problem (why you are not able to achieve your current goals) is the first step to creating a soul aligned business.
Each of the 6 Key Areas of your business must be 90-100% aligned with your soul design AND your financial goal in order to achieve consistent new results.
Additionally, each area includes up to 100 micro-elements that can be diagnosed to determine specifically what needs to shift to align with your vision.
The 6 Key Areas are: clients + customers, marketing, sales, offers, systems, and teams.
An Energetic Analysis showcases all factors contributing to your current problem in your business and what needs to change in order to achieve a new goal.
Once you understand exactly what is out of alignment with your soul design and financial goals, it’s time to create a Soul Aligned Abundance Plan.
This plan maps out specific personal and professional actions that must happen to achieve your identified goals.
This plan includes strategic guidance on how you are currently taking action and what needs to shift in your action, in order to get the best results with the fewest action steps.
Understanding your Soul Aligned Abundance Plan and your aligned action step is only part of what is required to achieve your next level goals.
You also need to learn to utilize your intuition to activate your soul design, in order to consistently achieve new results.
Once you have your Soul Aligned Abundance Plan, you want to optimize your energy to get the best results.
To do this, it’s imperative to uncover the most misaligned areas and work collaboratively to align them by clearing root causes of the resistance.
You want to determine if there are any misalignments within you or any aspect of your business that need to be cleared energetically in order to ensure you’re set up for success for achieving new results, and get vibrationally aligned with your goals.
Learning to say “No” to doubt, fear and scarcity; surpass your sneaky mind, get off the “comparitonitis” train, and manage your emotions is an ongoing process.
The philosophy of this step is that Transcending Fear + Creation + Soul Alignment + Ascension = Sovereign Mastery.