The #1 question I'm asked in interviews is how I became resilient in the face of so much devastating trauma. People are fascinated by my ability to adapt to and recover quickly from difficult situations, both personally and professionally. Because the truth is, most people aren't resilient, and have no idea how to cultivate resilience.
Over the past 25+ years I've discovered that there is an art to becoming a resilient leader, fully capable of facing any situation with clarity, calm, and fortitude. It isn't a genetic condition - it can be taught and developed. Resilience is what allows you to become a better leader and decision-maker as an executive, business owner, entrepreneur or thought leader.
Making decisions can be the most grueling element of being a leader. There is enormous pressure to get it right. Successful leaders are resilient, with the emotional and mental fortitude to make optimal decisions despite subpar conditions, and lack of information, time, and overwhelming emotions.
Resilience begins with being able to access and trust your own internal guidance - in the face of too much, or not enough, external information. When you understand how to access your intuition in any situation, you become unstoppable.
I teach my private clients how to become resilient, so that they become exceptional leaders and decision-makers in their roles as executives, business owners, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders.
Private mentoring begins at $5k/month, and is by application only.
Emma's Private Mentoring is by application only.
Click the button below to apply:
Emma Churchman is a beacon of resilience and transformation. With over 25 years of experience as a spiritual and business leader, Emma has guided thousands through the labyrinth of trauma to reclaim hope and strength. Her powerful work as a trauma chaplain and mentor is rooted in her own journey of overcoming acute childhood adversity.
Her book, The Deep End of Hope in the Wake of Hurricane Helene, takes readers on an unforgettable journey of spiritual resilience during one of nature’s most catastrophic events, which Emma lived through. Emma is a sought-after speaker and coach, teaching trauma recovery techniques that empower individuals and organizations alike.
As a PhD candidate in Conscious Business Ethics, Emma bridges the gap between soulful leadership and practical strategies for navigating life's storms. From the picturesque mountain peaks of Gerton, North Carolina, where she lives with her husband Jeff and their dachshunds Winston and Leroy, Emma inspires people to find strength even in the darkest of times.