My business tripled  DURING the global pandemic.

My private clients and I generated multiple millions of dollars the past two years, while we watched so many of our peers close their businesses forever.

I’ve helped visionaries, influencers, business owners, coaches, healing practitioners, gym owners/fitness professionals, marketing/brand strategists, visual artists, therapists, wholesalers, naturopathic/functional medicine doctors and others build wealth + impact.D6AA5BCB-384A-4621-A9E1-2205EC79BB03

The EASIEST way to build wealth and impact is via soul alignment: doing business (and life!) in the way that is most natural to your soul. 

It’s not complicated, but very few have figured out how to work soul magic to get the results they desire in business. I have, and can show you.

Soul alignment isn’t about wish-craft, positive thinking, vision boarding into the wee hours, or winning the lottery. 

This is very specific, intentional alignment which is UNIQUE for each person. This is real world instruction to bring your divinity into your humanity to create actual abundance and tangible results.

I'm Emma Churchman, a psychic and spiritual advisor. 

My mentoring is grounded in decades of training - I’ve got two master’s degrees in Divinity and Metaphysics, and I’m currently a PhD candidate in Conscious Business Ethics. With immersion for over a decade in study and practice as an Akashic Records practitioner, 20+ years coaching and spiritual advising entrepreneurs, as well as 25 years personal experience in entrepreneurism, including as a Quaker minister, trauma and hospice chaplain--I’ve found the game of soul alignment to be the MOST FUN way to create wealth and impact.

I hold a sacred container for business owners + transformational leaders + change agents + visionaries, to help them create abundance by soul design. I help them expand their impact, achieve their wealth goals, and create a legacy, by giving actionable instructions and guidance for real-world results.

What I’ve discovered over the past two decades of working with entrepreneurs and business owners is that our souls already know what to do, but we’re not giving ourselves permission to do it. If there is anything in our life or business that is not 100% aligned with our soul design and our goals, we will block our next level growth. For new results, you’ll need to look at things you (or your previous mentors) have never even considered.

My psychic skills give you the secret sauce you've been craving.

Emma New Signature

You are the perfect person for this program if: you have a gorgeous, giant brain; can create strategy in your sleep; totally rock your mindset; know how to make badass business moves, but just can’t flip the switch to reach your next goal.

You’ve already spent thousands of dollars on other programs/mentors that unfortunately have attempted to solve the wrong problem.

What if you knew what the “right” problem was?

What would that be worth? 

Here’s how Abundance by Soul Design works…

Soul DESIGN Method All Steps.IG3

In this 90-Day Private Intensive we address the STEPS 2 and 3 of my six step Abundance by Soul D.E.S.I.G.N. Method.


Step #1 takes place during the Business Energetic Assessment.

This assessment is a pre-requisite to Abundance by Soul Design.

This diagnostic reading, conducted personally by Emma, identifies the #1 ENERGETIC SHIFT and accompanying NEEDLE-MOVING ACTION YOU MUST TAKE IN EACH of the 6 KEY AREAS of YOUR BUSINESS to accelerate your progress. 

Soul DESIGN Step 1 Only
Soul DESIGN Step 2 Only


With the framework of your Business Energetic Assessment, Emma will conduct personally conduct a more  comprehensive energetic diagnostic of you and SIX key areas of your business including  marketing, sales, clients + customers, products + services, contributors, and business systems, to identify and address all misalignments to your goals. 


Once you understand exactly what is out of alignment with your soul design and financial goals, it’s time to create a Soul Aligned Abundance Plan that maps out specific personal and professional actions that must happen in the next 90 days to achieve your identified goals. 

This plan includes strategic guidance on how you are currently taking action and what needs to shift in your action, in order to get the best results with the fewest action steps. You'll be in implementation of this plan, with Emma's full support, during the 90 days.

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At the end of 90 days you've got an aligned business/brand, have more time freedom, and are getting raised hands from your marketing messaging. Sales are flowing again, and you're feeling fulfilled. Most importantly, you're more confident, and trust your aligned action to work for you. You're working SMARTER, not harder. If you’re pivoting your business or starting a new one, you’re already getting NEW results.

Your soul already knows what to do,
I can show you how to listen!

You'll Receive 90 Days of Unprecedented Access to Emma,

60-Minute Private Accelerator Intensive 

To be utilized as soon as you enroll in the program, this intensive session will help you to clarify and strengthen your goals and intentions. We'll review your extensive intake assessment, showcase how your soul is designed to do business, and clear any energetic misalignments impacting your growth. We’ll create a Soul Aligned Abundance Plan that maps out personal and professional actions to take in the next 90 days to reach your identified goals. This session will be recorded for you in mp3 format.

Business Energetic Assessment x 3

Every 30 days, Emma will run a full energetic diagnostic in 6 key areas of your business:
(1) marketing, (2) sales, (3) clients + customers, (4) products + services, (5) contributors, and (6) business systems. She will provide any necessary clearing, as well as recommendations on how to further optimize alignment within your business. This ensures each area of your business remains in maximum alignment with your wealth and impact goals as you grow, allowing for smooth operation, lean operating expenses, and maximum profit margins. How fun is that?!

30-Minute Private Assessment Sessions x 3

Every 30 days we’ll meet for 30 minutes to review your progress to date, and identify precisely what you need to focus on moving forward to keep the needle moving in your business. We’ll also reassess your energetic alignment in your business, based on your implementation over the previous month. These sessions will be recorded for you in mp3 format.

Unlimited Voxer Support

Sometimes you need answers and feedback immediately. You have a burning question, an inspired idea, an unexpected situation, or something that you want Emma's psychic input on. Unlimited access is perfect for all of that! You have access to Emma, Monday through Thursday, for the first three weeks of each month, in order to receive the on demand support you need and deserve between your Accelerator Intensive and your Assessment Sessions.

Akashic Records

As part of this program, you receive full access to your Akashic Records and the Akashic Records of your business. Emma will teach you how to ask questions in your record to help keep you, and your business, in alignment with your soul. You can get as specific as needed, from price points to marketing strategies, to infrastructure.

Full Access to Emma's Business

As part of this program, Emma will give you full access to what happens behind the scenes in her business, including the struggles, learning, and successes. You will experience the growth of her business in a very intimate way, seeing up close and personal how (and how not) to run a business in an intuitive, aligned way!

Member Space

A private member space that includes everything you need to participate, including links to schedule your mentoring sessions; access to your Akashic Records report; and more!

Extensive Intake Assessment

Prior to your first session you’ll complete an extensive Client Intake Assessment (which takes about an hour to complete). You’ll answer 28 questions to identify and articulate how you are currently operating in your business, determine ideas for 90 day goals, and help Emma to understand how to best support you. 


Client Attraction Blueprint Course (Value $3k)

A 40-50 page report personally created for you, based on your Akashic Records, that showcases exactly how you are designed to create wealth and impact from soul design. This includes a BONUS 8-module course with short videos and worksheets that teaches you how to utilize your report.

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  • Emma Churchman

    ““I grew a $2 million business from zero in 3 years working with Emma."

    There was a lot of deep inner work to be done as well as deeply connecting my souls purpose and Emma was a catalyst in all of that for me. She allowed me to see that there's so much more that plays into business than strategy and tactics and numbers, and opening up to a new belief system was the first critical step in starting Authentic Conversion. ”

    Owner and Founder, Authentic Conversion

  • Emma Churchman

    “In just 6 weeks I went from almost zero sales of my signature offer to generating $90k through the process of soul alignment! I thought I had a lead generation problem, but it turns out I just had an alignment issue with my offer and sales process. I also renegotiated my commercial lease for a significant savings, designed a new ad campaign from soup to nuts in record time, and I feel a big shift of more lightness and fun in my relationship with my husband. ”

    Founder + Business Growth Mentor, The Thriving Studio Owner

  • Emma Churchman

    “This was one of the best investments I’ve ever made in myself and my business. I can’t believe how much shifted! I absolutely adored the alignment process and the level of support I received from Emma through this intensive. Not only did I have a record-breaking sales month as a result of getting into soul alignment, I also released so many fears and blocks around scaling my business. I now have a very simple 7 figure business model that is easy to implement and deliver. I’m forever grateful to Emma.”

    Mindset + Fitness Coach

  • Emma Churchman

    “Two years ago Emma sat beside me and didn't budge until I publicly announced the new shift in my business I had been stalling on. It was the bravest thing I've ever done and I'm not sure I would have done it had I not been working with Emma.

    That step changed my life in so many ways and allowed me to realize a level of fulfillment I seriously didn't think was possible. AND, the teachings and lessons I received from Emma have continued to reverberate through everything I do.

    I'm writing this to say thank you to Emma. You changed the trajectory of my life and I'm sure whatever comes after this life. If you're thinking about working with Emma, it's worth it. ”

    Erotic Energy Coach

  • Emma Churchman

    “Emma is a master at honing in on the key elements that make a business successful and the energetics of Soul alignment. From the spiritual entrepreneur's mindset through their business systems and practices, marketing, messaging, and positioning, she does it all and with energetic and psychic flair. She is NOT your run of the mill online business coach. She coaches you on your Soul Expression as it is carried by your business and all its necessary mechanics. I highly recommend her for your spiritual business mentorship, she is truly gifted! ”

    Joyful Transformation

  • Emma Churchman

    “As a result of working with Emma, I had my biggest sales month ever, $56k!"

    Before working with Emma, I was stuck in a pattern of self-sabotage that was so deeply ingrained within me that even as a mindset coach I couldn't see it clearly for myself. Emma taught me how to surrender and allow. I learned that planning and strategizing isn't what needed to happen to build my empire; feeling safe in the world and in my business was. I feel much more centered and grounded and confident in my business. I know that I am exactly where I need to be, that peace, joy and prosperity is available to me right now. I understand now that growing my empire can be easy when I surrender, allow, and receive.”


  • Emma Churchman

    “I feel WAY more confident in who I am marketing to, how I am marketing to them, as well as what forms of marketing are most aligned to my personal style and strengths. I also have a clear plan for growing a multi-six figure business! The Intake process was extremely helpful for clarifying exactly what my goals are of my business in the next year, and where my priorities need to be. Emma helped me to remember that I am the CEO of my business.

    During our work together, we clearly identified the type of client who is a perfect fit for my front end offer. We also honed and refined that offer and price point, crafted marketing messaging and a webpage that clearly speaks to my ideal client, their top-of-mind pressing pain and the tangible results that are available to them when they work with me.”

    Author, Speaker & CEO, ARC Integrated

  • Emma Churchman

    “With Emma’s guidance, My last launch almost equalled the one before in gross sales, BUT I spent 30+ hours LESS TIME on this launch, making it more profitable. When I made changes to make my business more fun for me and less stressful, I was rewarded. I received so much clarity, and direction in how to move. I feel much less stressed and anxious of my upcoming maternity leave and the clients that just enrolled in my program keep telling me how much value they are getting just from their first week! My heart is full, and I am clear on where I need/want to bring in help so I can keep doing to things in my business I love to do.”

    Pilates Business Coach

  • Emma Churchman

    “Working the Emma was easy & result producing. Being able to lean into how I am uniquely designed to do business allowed me to remove some stressful parts of my sales process. In turn I attracted 6 leads in two weeks when I hadn’t had any in about a month. If you are ready to GO, click SEND PAYMENT!”

    CEO, The Pilates Firm

  • Emma Churchman

    “Within 2 weeks we created our first high ticket offer and are about to close on our first sale all without hustle. Yippee!”

    The Pilates Masters Program

  • Emma Churchman

    “Working with Emma has brought much clarity about myself and how I am meant to function in my business. Before, I was spinning my wheels, going against the grain of what felt right for me which was inhibiting the growth of my business and freedom and fun I was able to have in everyday life due to the misalignment with work. Abundance by Soul Design has brought much understanding, relief and compassion to myself and my business which is allowing me to leverage my natural abilities to lead my company, clients and family like I want to.”

    Corrective Exercise Specialist

  • Emma Churchman

    “ If anything inside of you is telling you to do this, you absolutely must. I feel simultaneously more calm and excited about my business after 2 weeks and have earned $2800 in unexpected revenue already. I'm so much more confident in my strengths and can't wait to keep implementing everything Emma has taught me!”

    Online Health Coach

  • Emma Churchman

    “I have kept my business running successfully for the past 30 years with hard work, a no quit attitude and always moving forward. But I was never able to get past a certain income level. Working with Emma has given me insight into where I wasn't aligned and the beliefs that were holding me back. I am excited to nurture my business and my clients with more authenticity!”

    CEO, Christie Ryan Fitness

  • Emma Churchman

    “Working with Emma opened my eyes to how my soul wants to show up in the world. It gave me a sense of confidence and purpose I was lacking as I was trying to grow my business. ”

    Owner, New Path Fitness + Wellness

  • Emma Churchman

    “When I first decided to work with Emma, I was questioning if I had chosen the right career path of being a health coach. I was burnt out, frustrated, and was struggling to bring on new clients. After 10 short days, I enrolled 2 new clients into my high-end offer, got a contentious probate settled, have more time to do what I want to do for fun, and am happy and content for the first time in a long time.”

    Owner, Just Breathe Salt Room

  • Emma Churchman

    “When your coaching business is an extension of yourself, you can't ignore your own spirit and vibrations when doing business. My personalized Akashic Records report and 1 on 1 coaching provided a beautiful mix of pragmatic strategy and intuitive insights, while supporting my spirit as an entrepreneur. It's a full package and Emma's the real deal, well worth the investment!”

    My Time Mama Fitness + Wellness

  • Emma Churchman

    “ For the first time in more than 10 years in business, I fully launched a major new offering from idea to implementation without feeling like I had completely exhausted myself and extinguished all of my internal resources. The difference? Emma's insight and guidance kept me laser focused on the actions and goals that were aligned to me and my business--and only those! While still mid-launch, I celebrated two massive sales totaling more than a month's worth of revenue after a nearly two month dry spell, and Emma celebrated right along with me. Her deep, heartfelt desire to see business owners go from floundering to flourishing shines through in everything she does, from enthusiastic idea generation to firm but gentle feedback. I'm so glad I invested in mentorship with Emma!”

    Christi Kraft Photography

  • Emma Churchman

    “So much of what I always thought to be true about myself was confirmed and I learned so much that I didn't know. Getting aligned to my purpose, my business and my ideal client will be a game changer for sure. This is a no brainer for anyone who wants to get to the next level in thier business.”

    CEO, Heart-well Fitness & Health Coaching

Frequently Asked Questions

These are some of the questions people most frequently ask us:

What are the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records are an energetic database that contain an imprint of every thought, feeling, action and experience for every soul that has ever occurred in time and space. The database is also referred to as "The Book of Life" or Universal Consciousness. The records contain all knowledge of human experience and the cosmos. The Akasha field exists in the fifth dimension and is all around us. The Records have been referenced in all religions and spiritual traditions and are described as a metaphysical library or universal supercomputer. You have an Akashic Record, and your business has one as well! 

I’ve studied with some of the best Akashic Records teachers and have worked with the Akashic Records for over 15 years and I have never had information about my soul presented in this way before: it is so illuminating!

  ~Rhonda Hohmann, Teacher and Mentor

What is your pay as you profit model?

Abundance by Soul Design utilizes our pay as you profit model. This model requires an initial to get you started, and because the program is designed to get you generating new money fast, your remaining investment will be due in two equal monthly payments.

How do I complete Steps 4-6 in the Abundance by Soul D.E.S.I.G.N. Method?

Step 1 is address in the Business Energetic Assessment. Steps 4-6 are addressed in Sovereign Mastery - Emma's ongoing private mentoring program.

Discover Sovereign Mastery

More questions? Email and we’ll get them answered!

Earnings Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent these programs and their potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation.

All Rights Reserved © 2020 Emma M Churchman, LLC