Are you ready to double your monthly income? Here’s how…

All entrepreneurs want to double our monthly income. But most entrepreneurs don’t understand the FIRST step that needs to happen in order to make that happen. And it’s not picking up the phone and making a cold sales call, or launching a new marketing strategy. The first step is so simple, yet SO challenging for lots of entrepreneurs, including me!
Being Decisive is a very important mindset strategy, that can immediately support doubling your monthly revenue.
I spent years not making big decisions in my business. I would always convince myself that I would commit to a decision AFTER I saw proof that my decision was a good one. Think about that for a minute. It’s kinda like only committing to paying a mortgage after you have bought your home, lived in it for a few months, to really see whether or not it’s the right house for you. Guess how a mortgage lender would respond if you said hey, I’m not really going to commit to a 30 year mortgage, because I’m not entirely convinced this is the right decision for me? (Answer: not well and you would NEVER get a mortgage approved.)
In business, you have to make decisions. Sometimes really big, really hairy, really audacious decisions. And without making those decisions, you’ll never get to experience big, hairy, audacious results! Indecision keeps us out of our Power and out of Alignment in Business.
When we are in emotional overwhelm, confusion, and fear it is usually because we have not made a powerful decision for what we want and then stuck with that decision. Indecision keeps you small.
Being decisive brings you SO much closer to what you desire.
Because even if you cannot yet see it directly in front of you yet, if you have the desire it is already available to you!
Here’s what I mean by that: You make a decision, like you want to double your monthly income. Before really committing to that decision you’re trying to figure out how exactly that’s going to work. How am I going to make that happen? Who is going to buy from me? Where am I going to find them? What am I going to sell them? How much time is it going to take to find them? How many sales conversations will I have to have before someone buys from me?
And at the end of that whole tailspin you just went through you have talked yourself out of wanting to double your monthly income and decided that it’s going to be easier to stay where you are. Sound familiar? Here’s the deal: the how - the how your decision to double your monthly income is going to manifest is not going to be fully revealed to you until you make the decision first that you want a new result. The decision comes FIRST, the opportunity (HOW) comes second.
So, with this example of wanting to double monthly income, the decision is: I am absolutely committed to doubling my monthly income and I will do whatever it takes to make that happen. You’ve really got to embody that decision - it can’t be a decision like, hey, I am absolutely committed to doubling my monthly income unless it takes too much time, makes me uncomfortable, or is too hard.
Because that is not a decision. That is you playing small. That is you already believing that you can’t really have what you say that you want.
What decision do you need to make RIGHT NOW to double your monthly income? <a
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