What if you could know, with 100% certainty, exactly what needs to change in your business in order to achieve your big income + impact goals?
The Business Energetic Assessment will show you exactly what to do.
Discover how are meant to run your business in the most aligned way, so success is effortless.
Know exactly what's off in these 6 areas: offers, marketing, sales, clients, business systems, and team, that's causing your income to not explode.
Learn the #1 needle moving action you must take in each of these six areas to achieve your financial goals.
6 KEY AREAS of the Business Energetic Assessment
When you have an income or impact goal...when you're in the midst of reinvention, or a pivot, or massive growth... there are 6 Key Areas of your business to assess and diagnose to determine if your vision is achievable.
Each area must be 90-100% uniquely aligned with you. Additionally, each area includes up to 100 micro-elements that can be diagnosed to determine specifically what needs to shift to align with your vision.

Marketing is how you showcase your products and services to your soulmate clients and customers. Each aspect of your marketing, including your brand, brand identity, marketing strategies, messaging, platforms, and processes are components. The visual and verbal content, delivery method, and frequency of each component of your marketing must be considered to create alignment.

#2 - SALES
Sales is the act of a client or customer enrolling in or purchasing a service or product from your business. The structure of your sales process, including the medium and frequency, the content of the sales process - including the features, benefits, values, urgency, and call to action, as well as the attitude of the person(s) selling can impact alignment.

Dream clients + customers are the lifeblood of your business. These clients are a natural extension of having all other areas of your business in alignment with your soul design and income or impact goal. When you are targeting misaligned clients (for example, too narrow or too broad of an audience), it can be much more challenging to create consistent cash flow.

Products and Services are how you deliver your genius to your clients and customers, via physical products and/or live or virtual programs, events, and courses.
Everything, from the name, the price point, the content, the delivery structure, and the upsell funnel [if applicable] must be in alignment with your soul design and income or impact goal.

Your contributors are YOU, your employees, advisors, mentors, contractors and vendors, and anyone else who has an energetic imprint on your business, positive or negative. For example, if a spouse/family member gives you business advice that you follow, they are also a contributor. Each contributor's intellectual contribution, interactions within and outside of your business, and work product impacts alignment.

Business Systems represent the back-end of your business. Your implementation tools, such as your website, your payment processor, CRM, member spaces, team management software, as well as the structure, planning and interaction of the methods by which your business implements, impacts alignment.
What's Included in the Business Energetic Assessment ....

Energetic Diagnostic
($1,000 Value)

Private 1:1 Session
($1,000 Value)
Once you listen to your Assessment, you will have a private 20 minute RECORDED companion call with Emma to ask questions about your Assessment, and receive strategic guidance for understanding next steps to ensure amazing results.

Manifesting Operating System
($500 Value)
HOW you take action is just as important as WHAT action you take. Each of us are uniquely designed to take action and manifest new results. The Assessment includes specific recommendations for HOW to implement needle-moving action to get the best results.

Personalized Voice Recording
($500 Value)
An mp3 recording of your Business Energetic Assessment, recorded personally by Emma, will be delivered to you via email within 5 business days.
The Value of each Business Energetic Assessment is over $3,000!
But, YOU have access to this program at a 65% savings!!
Business Energetic Assessment Enrollment Options
We know that not one size fits all. Pick the option that best fits your needs!
Assessment mp3 Recording
20-Minute 1:1 Companion Call with Emma
Assessment delivered within 5 business days
$825 x 4 months*
4x Year with mp3 Recordings
4x Year 20-Minute 1:1 Companion Calls with Emma
First Assessment delivered Immediately
3 Additional Assessments delivered the 1st week of each Quarter
Most popular
$600 x 12 months*
12x Year Assessment mp3 Recordings
12x Year 20-Minute 1:1 Companion Calls with Emma
Assessments delivered the 1st week of each Month
Frequently Asked Questions
When Will I Receive My Business Energetic Assessment?
Your mp3 assessment will be delivered to you within 5 business days through email, along with a link to schedule your 20-minute companion call, with Emma.
What can I expect during my Private Session?
During your 20-minute companion call, with Emma, you can expect to ask clarifying questions about the assessment and the six needle-moving actionable items highlighted in your assessment. You'll have pristine clarity about specific next steps to take by the end of your session. You will be given a link to book this call when you receive your mp3 assessment recording.
How is this different than a "normal" business assessment?
Emma utilizes her psychic abilities and the Akashic Records modality in order to energetically assess the 6 key areas of your business to determine what needs to energetically shift to achieve your vision. She will reference your website, and your social media pages to determine misalignments.
Will you need access to any proprietary information about my business?
No, the only information Emma needs to access your business and conduct the energetic assessment is (1) the name of your business, (2) your current monthly revenue, and (3) your desired monthly revenue.
How will you access my Akashic Records and my Business?
When you enroll you will be asked to provide your (1) Full Name at Birth, (2) Full Current Name, (3) Date of Birth, (4) Birth Location, as well as (5) the name of your Business, (6) your Current Monthly Revenue and (7) Desired Monthly Revenue. Emma utilizes this information to access your personal Akashic Records and the Records of your business.
What are the Akashic Records?
The Akashic Records are an energetic database that contains an imprint of every thought, feeling, action and experience for every soul that has ever occurred in time and space. The database is also referred to as "The Book of Life" or Universal Consciousness. The records contain all knowledge of human experience and the cosmos. The Akasha field exists in the fifth dimension and is all around us. The Records have been referenced in all religions and spiritual traditions and are described as a metaphysical library. You have an Akashic Record, and your business has one as well!
“I’ve studied with some of the best Akashic Records teachers and have worked with the Akashic Records for over 15 years and I have never had information about my soul presented in this way before: it is so illuminating!”
~Rhonda Hohmann, Teacher and Mentor
Earnings Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent these programs and their potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation.
All Rights Reserved © 2023 Emma M Churchman, LLC