I Built a 7 Figure Business with a Chronic Illness


Part 1: The Illness

šŸ’Š (This picture of pills is a 4 week supply of what I was taking during the past year - upwards of 85 pills and supplements per day.)

Iā€™m going to show you exactly how I achieved that, and how you can, too. Because this is not a pity party for me - this is a story of overcoming.

In 2009, I got bit by a tick carrying Lyme Disease when I was living near Philadelphia, PA.
Overnight I went from totally functional and active - to suicidal and depressed - for the first and only time in my life.

I started getting migraines - sometimes as frequently as 3 days a week.

I went from being able to run a marathon - to weeks and months out of a year bed-bound: too exhausted to cook, or walk my dogs, or do anything outside of client delivery. I gained weight, was constantly inflamed, and every part of my body hurt.

It took a decade before someone finally suggested Lyme disease might be the culprit.

I never got the bullseye rash so typical of tick bites. I donā€™t have all of the markers the CDC requires for a Lyme diagnosis. So, my symptoms were written off or misdiagnosed for years.

When I was finally told that the Lyme disease initially went straight to my brain - causing me to feel suicidal and depressed - I wept. I had spent years judging myself for those feelings - thinking I just needed to be better at therapy.

Those depressive feelings passed within a few months, but the other symptoms kept on.

Over the years I would go through periods of remission - where I could hike and have adventures - and other times where I would be bed-bound for weeks or months.

I saw lots of doctors and alternative practitioners who either dismissed me, or diagnosed me with everything from fibromyalgia, to chronic fatigue, to overweight, to PTSD, to gluten-intolerant.

šŸ˜Ÿ Fast forward to January 2022.

We moved into our newly built dream house on January 15th. On January 18th my father-in-law died after a significant battle with dementia. A week later Jeff and I both got COVID. Jeff was better after 2 weeks. My symptoms lasted for 10 weeks - and by then my immune system was seriously compromised.

My Lyme symptoms flared up again (which they do anytime my immune system isnā€™t 100%), and I ended up spending most of 2022 in bed.

By September 2022 I was desperate to feel better. After 14 years of searching, I finally found a doctor who believed everything I was saying, and administered a blood test that absolutely confirmed I had Lyme disease, along with 20 other co-infections.

āš” With her support, I committed to a year-long alternative protocol to eradicate the Lyme and other co-infections from my body. Think: chemotherapy for Lyme. That began in September 2022.
Of course, none of this treatment was covered by health insurance - because again, according to the CDC - I donā€™t have Lyme. I refused to do the other available treatment - stuffing my body with antibiotics for months at a time, which would have been covered by insurance.

šŸ’²Ā I invested tens of thousands of dollars to eradicate Lyme and the co-infections from my system.
As part of the treatment, I also received what my husband Jeff and I called my ā€œweekly bloodletting,ā€ where blood would be removed from my body, then cleaned, and redeposited - because a lot of the infections were hanging out in my bloodstream.

For most of the year I was doing this protocol I was nauseous. I lost 30 pounds. I had months when I couldnā€™t leave the house except for medical appointments. The migraines got worse - they would last for up to 5 days at a time.

I ended up going to the ER at one point because my doctor thought I was having a heart attack. It turns out the Lyme infection was eating away at the oxygen in my blood - causing me to struggle to breathe.

I came down with Mono and Strep Throat at that same time, and was unable to do anything for myself other than shower - for 10 weeks.

Throughout the year-long treatment, I only took one week off of client delivery - when I couldnā€™t talk because of the strep throat.

šŸ’„Ā Most of my clients have no idea what I live with on a daily basis, because they get to experience the best of me - my psychic skills and business acumen - both of which are always available to me, even when Iā€™m lying in bed.

I get to have a part of my life where I am brilliant - regardless of whatā€™s going on with my health - which is what keeps me going on bad days.

Iā€™ve got my business and life set up in such a way to accommodate living with a chronic illness.

šŸ”„Ā In fact, this past year my business generated more sales than it has in a couple of years. I also served a record number of private clients in 2023 - as of this writing - 75!

In 2023, I also built out a funnel of new front door offers, hired and trained a new business manager, streamlined all back-end operating systems, plus created and launched two new marketing funnels. So thereā€™s that.

ā€¼ļøĀ The Lyme treatment ended in August. I recently had the Lyme blood test again, and I am 62% improved from a year ago.

The migraines are gone. Iā€™m sleeping through the night consistently for the first time in 15 years. I have energy to walk my dogs daily, and go to the gym, and take yoga classes. Iā€™m even cooking dinner for us tonight!

I no longer spend every Friday through Sunday in bed, resting up for my 4 day work week. I have a life. I get to spend quality time with my husband and friends.

I havenā€™t spoken about this very much - because part of me felt like I should have been able to heal my own body by now.

ā‰ļøĀ I created a dream business, dream marriage, and dream home for myself - why canā€™t I create a dream body?

But thenā€¦what if I had waited until I felt better to launch my current business?

What if I put off my purpose and mission because I thought it would be too hard to have a purpose-driven business AND a chronic illness?

What if I hadnā€™t spent the past 25 years serving thousands of conscious business owners and instead only focused on myself?

What if I had chosen the path of identifying AS this chronic illness instead of living WITH it?

šŸ™Ā Thatā€™s my prayer for you - if you too are living with chronic illness - donā€™t wait for complete healing to live your mission. Do it now.


Part 2: My Life

I want to share with you what I do personally to support living with a chronic illness, and having a successful business - so that you can see it is possible for you, too.

This past year of doing this alternative treatment protocol to eradicate Lyme disease and 20 other co-infections from my body taught me the most beautiful lesson of this entire 15 year journey with chronic illness:

1ļøāƒ£ My body is not the enemy.

For years it was the enemy. I was always resentful of my body not keeping up with what my mind desired to do. It was always the problem in my relationship with myself.

I now understand that I can trust my body to tell me what it needs - and that my body also wants what is best for me.

I give my body everything it desires - whether that be weekly massage, or sleeping until 10 am, or building an entire deck system in our back yard to house a hot tub and sauna to support my bodyā€™s well being.

I give it 17 weeks off a year from client delivery.

I give it copious amounts of rest. Sleep is my #1 priority, because that plays such a large role in keeping my immune system strong -which is what keeps the Lyme symptoms at bay.
Iā€™m way more compassionate and gentle with my body now.

2ļøāƒ£ I need and deserve a LOT of support.

My husband Jeff plays the biggest role in ensuring I can care for my body and run a business that I love. Behind the scenes he handles about 90-95% of what happens in our household. He also goes with me to medical appointments, and helps me make decisions about my health.

Jeff came into our marriage knowing I was living with a chronic illness, and how that impacted my day-to-day life. Jeff is my rock; Iā€™m the first to admit I canā€™t function without him.

In our first year of dating, at the height of COVID, I was diagnosed with giant fibroids in and around my uterus. I had a total hysterectomy, resulting in a foot-long incision in my abdomen, and 3 days alone in the hospital recovering (because of COVID rules). Jeff took complete care of me during the 3 weeks I spent in bed recovering.

Iā€™m very blessed that Jeff is a willing participant in finding ways to live with illness, and such a competent and loving life partner.

I do the household management that I can from my often-horizontal position - like bill paying, making appointments with household vendors, and keeping us organized.

In my single days, I had a housekeeper and personal assistant who would handle my householdā€™s day-to-day operations - run errands, grocery shop, food prep, walk my dogs, deep clean the fridge - all of the things I couldnā€™t reliably be available for.

It was humbling to be lying on my couch while people cleaned and worked around me, especially as a single person - like who canā€™t manage their own individual life?
I had to learn that I deserve whatever support I need, without justification.

3ļøāƒ£ I advocate for myself, all of the time.

Finding a physician who would take me seriously, give me an accurate diagnosis, and an appropriate treatment plan took 14 years. I had lots of professionals dismiss or misdiagnose my symptoms.
I had friends who wouldnā€™t understand why Iā€™d cancel plans at the last minute. I had men I was dating tell me to get over myself. I had relatives who didnā€™t understand the enormity of what I was facing.

In all this, I learned to be my own advocate, even in the face of not having a clear diagnosis.
I got incredibly good at saying NO to anything that doesnā€™t feel like a hell-yes to me. Like small talk; replying to cold pitches via DM; working with clients who drain my energy; working more than 3 weeks a month; constantly posting on social media; or staying out late at night.

4ļøāƒ£ I connect.

Iā€™m outside almost daily, even if its just sitting on the deck outside my bedroom. I pray; meditate; listen to guided meditations and solfeggio frequencies. I tune in and quiet my mind.
I affirm the small whispers of my soul, and act on them, immediately. Always.

5ļøāƒ£ I invest in my health and my growth.

I made a major financial investment in my health this past year to eradicate Lyme disease and 20 other co-infections in my body.

I invested tens of thousands of dollars - even though going into the treatment protocol I knew my energy would be even more diminished, and I might not have the bandwidth to work that much - in order to generate funds to pay for the treatment.

I invested in things for our home that make it easier for me to function during the treatment - like a hot tub and an infrared sauna with red light therapy. We had to regrade our entire backyard and build a deck system in order to bring in the hot tub and sauna. The entire process took months.
I also continue to lean on incredible mentors personally and professionally - including especially my husband - who help me to create a life and business that work FOR me.

6ļøāƒ£ I RECEIVE in all ways, all the time.

Itā€™s been humbling, and so, so good for me - to learn that other people WANT to help - so different than what I was taught as a child.

I come from extreme childhood trauma which meant I had a lot of internal re-wiring to do.
Ten years ago I wouldnā€™t even let someone hold a door open for me. Now it surprises me anytime I am not offered help.

Iā€™ve got so much support in my life and business. Anytime I feel overwhelmed, I get support. When I realize my to-do list is too long, I get support. When I am tired, I ask for help.

7ļøāƒ£ I dropped the need to get it right.

Over and over again Iā€™ve been shown that you donā€™t need to have things going perfectly in your life in order to have a successful business.

You can have health challenges and serve clients. You can live your purpose while lying in bed.
You can have a big mission and serve thousands of people without hustling, or working hard, or doing things perfectly.

Part 3: The Business

So, how do you build a successful 7 figure business while navigating a chronic illness?

Let me break it down for you:

1ļøāƒ£ Donā€™t wait until you feel better.

Years ago I was so angry at my body for yet another Lyme flare up at a most inconvenient time. I was $50k away from doubling my business income from the year before.

I couldnā€™t get out of bed, and I had no bandwidth to market.

My mentor told me to surrender to what my body needed.

Nothing else had worked, so in a moment of frustration - or perhaps true channeled clarity - I did. The only action I took in my business between Thanksgiving and New Years Day was client delivery.

My business generated $87k in sales in those 33 days.

That was a huge turning point for me in how I operate my business.

It confirmed that taking action isnā€™t the only path to wealth.

2ļøāƒ£ Normalize wealth without looking Insta-Awesome.

My goal has never been to be Insta-famous or super popular. I donā€™t care about posting awesome photos of my life and business all over Instagram.

My goal is to make great money doing what I love, so I can put my money where my heart is - and to teach others to do the same.

Thatā€™s it.

3ļøāƒ£ Consciously expand your capacity to receive.

I used to be afraid of taking on too many clients, because what if I couldnā€™t serve them? What if it was too draining? What if my body couldnā€™t keep up?

What Iā€™ve learned over the past 15 years, is that my psychic skills and business acumen continue to strengthen and grow, regardless of whatā€™s going on with my body. Thatā€™s the part of me that my clients need access to.

I also learned that I can trust my psychic ability to hold all of the information I need about my clients, so I can speak to their individual needs, and give them customized feedback based on their unique soul design.

I take notes when I meet with clients, but most times I donā€™t reference them - because the true soul information my clients seek is channeled through me whenever it is needed.

Thatā€™s what allowed me to serve 75 clients this year privately while also going through the year-long treatment protocol for Lyme.

4ļøāƒ£ Assume everything is working out in your highest good - before the evidence shows up.

I assume everything is working out. I lean on my husband and mentors when I forget that the entire Universe is conspiring to support me.

I remember everything I have accomplished before - because I have all of the evidence in the world that I have already created a life beyond my wildest imagination.

When you assume things are working out for you, miracles and magic happen.

5ļøāƒ£ Be willing to disappoint others.

I do what matters to me most, first.

I play in my business and have fun. I love on my clients. I access the best of who I am when Iā€™m with them.

I donā€™t beat myself up anymore when Iā€™m not productive. I take naps when I need to. I watch a lot of movies. I cuddle with my husband and our dogs.

I say no, A LOT. I only take on clients that I know I can help.

I am at peace with disappointing others.

6ļøāƒ£ Get ALL the support.

I am always working with multiple mentors to help me be the leader of my business. Some of them Iā€™ve had close to a decade or more.

These are the people who show me where Iā€™m stopping myself, or holding back. They support me in finding the shortcuts that get the best results.

7ļøāƒ£ Use soul-alignment to discover your shortcuts to growth.

The biggest trick, in my bag of tricks for 7 figure success, is creating abundance by soul design.
I understand in intimate detail exactly how my soul is designed to do business and make money. When I operate exclusively within my soul design my business works.

I also use soul alignment to figure out the short cuts - so I donā€™t HAVE to do all the things in order to have a 7 figure business. This is the biggest reason I have the time, space, and resources to care for my body.

I donā€™t have to always market, yet I have a steady funnel of prospective clients coming into my business. My client programs get results, consistently. My business operates extremely well behind the scenes.

It doesnā€™t need to be more complicated than that.

šŸ„° If youā€™ve been navigating living with a chronic illness and running a business, you are not alone.

Drop me a note (emma@emmachurchman.com) and let me know what youā€™re dealing with. We need to talk about how to live WITH chronic illness and still play full out with our purpose and mission.

If youā€™re curious about how to find the shortcuts for your business to grow to explode your income using your existing audience, click the button to learn about my programs: