Transformation in Business
Is business not as _______ as it used to be?
A massive mistake that even smart, successful CEOs and Business owners make that keeps them stressed carrying the huge load associated with their business responsibilities, pivots & growth….
…is admitting it’s not as _______ as it used to be!
What I mean is that this is a fill-in-the-blank sentence. For example, Admitting it’s not as easy as it used to be. Admitting it’s not as fun as it used to be. Or as joyous, or as fulfilling as it used to be.
I want you to take 30 seconds right now and w…
Get Your Manifesting Blueprint
Have you ever wondered how you actually manifest things in your life and business?
Do you believe that you probably have a system that you use to manifest, you’re just not sure exactly what it is?
Have you ever manifested something really powerful but had no idea how it happened?
Are you ready to understand exactly how your Soul is designed to manifest all aspects of the human experience?
Great, I’d like to tell you about my Manifesting Blueprint!
The Manifesting Blueprint shows you how to …
Vibrational Alignment Isn't for the Faint of Heart
Vibrational Alignment and how to achieve it
Have you ever wondered how you actually manifest things in your life and business?
Do you believe that you probably have a system that you use to manifest, you’re just not sure exactly what it is?
Have you ever manifested something really powerful but had no idea how it happened?
Are you ready to understand exactly how your Soul is designed to manifest all aspects of the human experience?
Are you ready to learn how to get the vibrational alignment…
Transformation, Deepak Chopra, and Death
Transformation, Deepak Chopra, and Death
My show this past week with Deepak Chopra on Lainie Sevante’ Wulkan’s Zeta Global Radio (broadcast in over 50 countries!)really challenged me to get real about how transformation works in business.
Lo and behold I found myself discussing my three favorite topics on the show: soul expression, mindset and death.
What, you may be asking yourself, does DEATH have to do with TRANSFORMATION?
Absolutely everything, my friend.
A lot of folks have asked me ho…
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