Are you ready to double your monthly income? Here’s how…
All entrepreneurs want to double our monthly income. But most entrepreneurs don’t understand the FIRST step that needs to happen in order to make that happen. And it’s not picking up the phone and making a cold sales call, or launching a new marketing strategy. The first step is so simple, yet SO challenging for lots of entrepreneurs, including me!
Being Decisive is a very important mindset strategy, that can immediately support doubling your monthly revenue.
I spent years not making big decis…
Here’s how to get the Universe to bring you money…
Have you ever wondered how to get the Universe to bring you money? Yep, me too. I spent years studying Universal laws and principles, and considering how my soul is connected to the Universe. And I’ve discovered something really interesting about how our mindset impacts the ability for the Universe to bring money to us. Let’s dive into the connection between the Universe and Abundance.
We’ll start with this paradigm about the Universe - because really getting this paradigm is paramount as an en…
I have wrestled with vulnerability.
Like, no joke, rolling around on the floor WRESTLED with this thing called vul-ner-a-bil-ity
I have defended myself against the defense mechanism inherent in vulnerability.
I have hidden from it, cajoled it, loved it, hated it, abandoned it, given it too much attention in the landscape of my life, I have indulged in it, I have locked it in the kitchen cupboard for fear it would annihilate me.
Sometimes I have even asked it what it needs, or taken it for a walk, or placed it at the center of m…
Be. Here. Now.
Be. Here. Now.
We want to be in FLOW.
We want the Universe to grant our every wish.
We want people around us to rally up in support of us.
We are always seeking that elusive external confirmation that what we are doing, who we are being, and what we desire to have, is working.
When we are drowning in our own stories, our own fear, our own shit storm...
When we have not filled up our own cup...
When we have not worshipped first at our own feet, we keep ourselves searching.
We keep WANTING…
As 2019 begins I am getting radically curious.
Your Soul Matters - Be radically curious.
As 2019 begins I am getting radically curious. Already, on the 3rd day of this year, what I thought my business would look like this year, or even this first quarter, has changed.
I am showing up differently in my life and my business than even a month ago. The type of client the business is attracting has shifted. My team is shifting and growing. I have dropped into myself in a way that frankly surprises me; because I thought I was already there.
I w…
Get Your Manifesting Blueprint
Have you ever wondered how you actually manifest things in your life and business?
Do you believe that you probably have a system that you use to manifest, you’re just not sure exactly what it is?
Have you ever manifested something really powerful but had no idea how it happened?
Are you ready to understand exactly how your Soul is designed to manifest all aspects of the human experience?
Great, I’d like to tell you about my Manifesting Blueprint!
The Manifesting Blueprint shows you how to …
Vibrational Alignment Isn't for the Faint of Heart
Vibrational Alignment and how to achieve it
Have you ever wondered how you actually manifest things in your life and business?
Do you believe that you probably have a system that you use to manifest, you’re just not sure exactly what it is?
Have you ever manifested something really powerful but had no idea how it happened?
Are you ready to understand exactly how your Soul is designed to manifest all aspects of the human experience?
Are you ready to learn how to get the vibrational alignment…
You can't make me manifest!
What does it take to Manifest?
Actually manifesting what you want can be scary, because with it comes responsibility.
Each manifested outcome brings with it more responsibility. After all, having consciousness of what is possible for us to achieve and create makes it hard for us to accept living less than our full potential.
And, as you may have already figured out for yourself, just changing at the level of thought is NOT enough to manifest new results.
You have to take new action.
We mani…
YouTube's JP Spears and Manifesting
Let’s talk about Manifesting! Lots of spiritually conscious folks talk about how to Manifest things in their lives and business - some in ways that feel accurate to me, and other in ways that frankly are totally annoying - like, hey, I just totally manifested $500 by telling the universe I wanted $500!
For the record, that is a total simplification of how manifestation works
And, it’s a reflection of something called unconscious competence, which I’ll get into later.
On YouTube there’s this g…
Is Fear running the show in your business?
Don't let your fears run the show!
I don’t know about you, but I spent YEARS in my business trying to make my fears okay. I tried to dialogue with it - I also tried to mask or ignore it with positive thinking.
The end result?
I still had frigging fear popping up all over the place and it was keeping me in resistance. For, like, 17 years. Let me go ahead and save you 17 years of trial and tribulation. Trust me, this will be the best 8 minutes you spend this year.
Most of us in the spiritual d…
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