
My 2017 Recommended Books + Podcasts for Conscious Entrepreneurs


In case you’re wondering what I read and listen to, to keep my giant brain primed for success and abundance, I’ll let you take a peek into what I’ve been reading and the podcasts I’ve been following this year!

I listen to audio books and podcasts whenever I am in the car (or sometimes even exercising), because this helps my practice of disciplining my mind - especially when it comes to my money mindset.

Here’s a GIANT SECRET: you will ALWAYS need to manage your money mindset. There will never …

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Your power lies in the absolute certainty that you are at choice in each moment.

Your power lies in the absolute certainty that you are at choice in each moment.

You get to choose how to respond to what is unfolding right in front of you. You get to choose how this chapter or this story (or this year!) is going to end. You get to choose how you show up emotionally, mentally, and spiritually in this full contact experience with your life and your business.

As you prepare to enter 2019, I want to remind you of the three things that will absolutely ensure that you will grow y…

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Worry is a prayer for what you don’t want.


Worry is a prayer for what you don’t want. It’s so easy to get caught up in what you don’t have yet. Not having enough money, time, clients, marketing, infrastructure, team support, freedom, abundance, free time, etc.

As humans, we’re particularly prone to worry. We’re obsessed with solving problems. We need to have something to fix. But that need to fix can derail us in business. Because for us conscious entrepreneurs our soul is always nudging us in the right direction. Quiet whispers, small …

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Are you doing your purpose in the world?


Are you doing your purpose in the world? Because, really, is not that the whole point? Your soul deeply desires to express itself. Your purpose is that expression. You are a spiritual being having a human experience, NOT the other way around. 

If you've got an entrepreneurial spirit, you are even MORE inclined to do your purpose in humanity. But here's what happens. You decide to go into business for yourself in order to express yourself more fully. But then you get sidetracked by what you * th…

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Sometimes ease wears the sly disguise of struggle


Sometimes ease wears the sly disguise of struggle.

Say what?!?

Ease came running towards me recently, promising opportunity and possibility, hiding in its cloak all of the struggle and disempowerment that would be required of me in the name of creating ease in one area of my life. This ease looked so good I wanted to lick it. I could FEEL all of the possibilities it could create for me, in SO MANY WAYS! Except for that this ease would require me stepping out of my power. Disallowing the power …

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Do you feel like you're free falling in biz?

Do you feel like you're free-falling in your biz? When you’re in the midst of an uplevel, it can be hard to see the forest through the trees. You may even think you’re in a desert, or on Pluto. You can feel like a crazy person.

What used to work in your business stops working. Programs stop selling. The people who used to be drawn to work with you disappear and the clients you REALLY want to be serving seem elusive and far away. You get that something within you is shifting, or needs to shift. …

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Is it time to PIVOT your business?

Is it time to PIVOT your business? I’ve noticed this interesting trend in the majority of my coaching clients over the past two years.

They have fallen out of love with their businesses. They long to step even more deeply into their purpose and to integrate their purpose into their business. They’re not sure exactly what that looks like… Or, they are sure, but they are terrified to close the door on their existing business that is kinda, sorta, maybe working. Internally, they have made up their…

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Have you ever had the experience of prospects literally unable to see you?


Have you ever had the experience of prospects literally unable to see you?

In my first few years of being a full-time business coach, I went to a ton of networking events and conferences, to support my business growth.

This curious thing was happening as I was attending all of these events. 

💥 There were people in the room who literally could NOT SEE ME. 💥

I noticed this especially when I was networking in my hometown, I would meet the same people over and over again, introducing myself to…

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Stop getting distracted...


Stop getting distracted...

It can be really triggering to LET things be easy.

Walking the tightrope of ease, and releasing struggle, can feel downright terrifying.

Because what if you aren’t DOING enough?

What if you’re not PROVING enough to the Universe that you are serious about what you desire?

What if every other entrepreneur around you is working really hard for the same results?

What then?

For anyone who was taught that struggle is noble…

For anyone who learned that the only way…

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The only thing that causes us suffering...


The only thing that causes us suffering is our own thoughts.

Here’s what I see happen for SO many conscious entrepreneurs after their soul nudges them even more deeply into their purpose and expression and they make a powerful decision to move towards their desire.

You make the decision, in a gorgeous, aligned way.

Then you start overthinking.

You start doubting the decision.

Wondering if it is the right decision or the wrong decision.

If people will judge you.

If your business will fail …

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